Featured Stock
Thurston Bros. has a variety of featured stock jackets available for immediate delivery! We've listed some of them here with all specifications and measurements. If you have a question about any of these jackets, please contact us at sales@thurston-bros.com. We have more stock jackets in production, so contact us if you are looking for an item not shown here.
Exchanges only on purchases. Featured stock jackets cannot be returned for a refund. However, your jacket purchase can be exchanged for a different stock item or for a custom order. If you need to make an exchange, contact us before shipping the jacket back...we will need to assess your fit in order to make an exchange! You can read about our store policies HERE.
We offer several convenient payment options for our stock jackets. We take all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. You can also pay using your Paypal account. We offer AFFIRM, which is a payment plan that gives a variety of payment schedules and interest rates. Lastly, we have a LAYAWAY plan with terms for 30, 60 and 90-day schedules!
Our Featured Stock list has so many items that it spills over to multiple pages. Here are shortcuts to the SECOND PAGE, THIRD PAGE, FOURTH PAGE, FIFTH PAGE, SIXTH PAGE, SEVENTH PAGE, EIGHTH PAGE, NINTH PAGE and TENTH PAGE.
Aero Sunburst, size 40, Tobacco Badalassi Cowhide
$ 1,049.99
$ 1,175.00
Aero Sheene, size 38, Natural CXL FQHH
$ 1,199.99
Aero Sheene, size 44, Natural CXL FQHH
$ 1,199.99
Aero Sheene, size 42, Natural CXL FQHH
$ 1,199.99